Enoch's Wake: A Player's Guide to the Infinite Void
76 pages, A5 perfect-bound, black and white. New.
Welcome to Enoch, the city on the comet: port, haven, metropolis, and necropolis of the ancient and forgotten.
Enoch's Wake is a stand-alone 2d6 tabletop RPG about life in the comet city. Stroll from wealthy Promenade, where the merchants build homes to compete with the aristocrats of High Rock to the boisterous inns of Harbortown. Sign on with a ship's crew, and journey the Hundred Spheres. Consult the haughty scholars of The High Academy or masked tutors of the Secret Collegium for the secrets of the Wild Void. Get shady messages calling you to meet with corrupt senators in the shadowy Underrock near the Necropolis Gates, but don't venture into them: the Immortals and their servitors guard that alien ruin (and the treasures foolish people claim are within).
Enoch's Wake includes the Traveller-inspired rules you use to build your character, play, and use arcane powers. You'll also find fantastical (and mundane) equipment, rules for using skills, and pointers on the fine art of Voidjamming. Enoch's Wake is a standalone game with everything you'll need to play.