Coloring Book Dungeons
20 page A5 staple-bound softcover. B&W. New. Includes PDF.
Colouring Book Dungeons is a collection of dungeon maps for your favorite RPG. Or maybe it's an image-based creative writing exercise. Or maybe it's a colouring book. Maybe it's all of the above, things can be three things. Here's what's inside:
- Seven and a half hand-illustrated dungeons in an oddball isometric style
- Room for you to add notes for each room of each dungeon
- A new GM-less RPG for collaborative dungeon crawling
- A textless D20 table of random treasures
I drew these with OSR play in mind, but they are definitely system-agnostic. Dungeons are 12-16 rooms, each with something interesting inside. The contents are designed to be somewhat ambiguous, to allow each user to have a unique take on the dungeons.