Corpsewake Cove
A5 size, 44 pages, Full Color. New.
Corpsewake Cove is an adventure written and illustrated by Madeleine Ember for the MÖRK BORG game (under their Third Party License) where you FIGHT PIRATES, GET REVENGE, and STEAL THEIR FUCKING TREASURE!
There’s a lot we’ve got squished onto these 32+ pages, including:
- D10 table of possible ways the pirates ruined your life - everything from stealing your curtains to murdering your dog
- 3 custom backgrounds for PCs who want something other than revenge: The Dewey-Eyed Pirate Wannabe: fake it till you make it; The Bounty Hunter: get your mark, get your pay; The Treasure-Crazed Lunatic: get rich or die trying.
- The complete text for how to play the adventure including traps and puzzles
- Descriptions of key NPCs with stat blocks and portraits
- Bestiary including stats and images
- D20 table of random encounters on the streets of Corpsewake Cove
- Adventure-wide map, as well as key location maps and descriptions
- D100 table of pirate booty