Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition: Book of Fire (Rare OOP)
Hardcover. Used.
Fire is the fiercest and most destructive of the five elements, the burning passion that drives men both to war and to create in equal measure. The searing influence of the flames can push mortals to pen the most beautiful of poems or perform the most impassioned dances, to sing the most mournful of all song, or the paint the most resonating images one's eye has ever beheld. Likewise, fire can push a man to anger, to wrath and ruin, to destruction and death. No war has ever been fought that was not driven by the burning inside one man's soul.
The Book of Fire is the third in a series of elemental source books for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing Game, books that explore the themes of the five elemental Rings. The Book of Fire explores the many aspects of samurai culture that center upon the tempestuous Fire Ring and its aspects. From the silent intensity of the poet to the blazing chaos of the field of battle, every aspect of the fearsome essence of Fire will be examined.