Mysteries of the Multiverse
Tribal Seekers wander the wilds to discover ancient artifacts and valuable resources to bring back to their communities. They cross through acid jungles, dodging sentient strobe-lights. Bandits with mutagenic mustaches chase them across the photonic desert, only giving up the chase to take shelter from a passing nega-storm. This zine makes your post-apocalyptic game come alive! While it is created for Mutant Crawl Classics, it is easily adaptable to use with other post-apocalypse or science-fantasy systems and settings.
- 52 pages of gameable content, beautifully illustrated by Boson Au and J.E. Shields
- Designed for Mutant Crawl Classics, but usable with any OSR or OSR-adjacent game
- A brand new level 1 adventure titled: And Now, Our Feature Presentation!
- Planar travel adventure hooks for 10+ different DCC/MCC settings
- Info for different geographical regions, the strange anomalies and weather that affects them, and how these regions influence mutations
- Mutagenic mustaches and tech toupees
Generators for strange communities, dangerous ruins, dangerous bandits, and traveling the world of Terra A.D