16 Page, Saddle Stitch, 5.5”x8.5”, Full Color
Rampant is a minimalist module for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG that takes place on Geppetto station, a secret corporate research facility orbiting a desolate planet. You spend your time in this module as a new maintenance crew for Geppetto Station, and you will become acquainted with the ship’s AI Annie.
Annie is inhabited by the Warden of the game, who interacts with players in-character using rules inspired by Apollo 47.
The module is a 16-page 5.5"x8.5" zine that contains tables for the warden to generate AI backstory and dialog, encounters with a swarm of nano-bots, and four maps with tables for items and malfunctioning equipment.
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit www.tuesdayknightgames.com or contact contact@tuesdayknightgames.com.