Christopher Robin's Nightmare & The Blood Rose Curse
32 pages, staplebound, full-page size, b&w interior.
Get two new level-2 adventures for Dungeon Crawl Classics!
Christopher Robin's Nightmare is an point-crawl adventure that takes place in the the dreams of Christopher Robin. The PCs arrive in the Hundred Acre Wood where they need to save the beloved characters we all know from the classic stories.
The Blood Rose Curse is darker in tone and inspired by Beauty and the Beast. It takes the classic fairy tale, gives it a horrible ending in which the curse was never broken and Beauty never returned then makes the PCs deal with all the consequences. The PCs are charged with exploring the cursed manor and ending the curse.
Credits: Writing & Layout: Stefan Surratt; Cover Art: Boson Au; Cartography: Davin Kluttz and the public domain; Interior Art: Macteg, JE SHields, Bradly K McDevitt, Amanda Lee Frank, Jason Moser, Marc Radle, and the public domain; Editing Jeff Scifert.